Autodesk Subscription Advantage Packs for Autodesk 3ds Max 2012

Diterbitkan oleh d&p production Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Autodesk Subscription Advantage Packs for Autodesk 3ds Max and Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2012 adalah software memberikan solusi baru yang membantu anda membuat dan memperbaiki tampilan yang anda butuhkan, lebih cepat dan lebih mudah dari Autodesk 3ds Max sebelumnya.

Fitur : 
  • Render pass system—Segment your scene for downstream compositing with an entirely new render pass system that features a visual interface.
  • After Effects and Photoshop interoperability—Enjoy significantly enhanced interoperability with Adobe After Effects and Adobe Photoshop software.
  • ActiveShade for iray— Experience a truly iterative creative process for finalizing renderings with new ActiveShade support for the iray renderer from mental images.
  • .NET Exposure of 3ds Max SDK—Take advantage of .NET enabled languages to extend and customize certain features of 3ds Max.

 Thank's to Erick3d and ironboy.

1 Responses to Autodesk Subscription Advantage Packs for Autodesk 3ds Max 2012

  1. Anonim Says:
  2. Cooll...

    Thx dude.


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